15. Item #1: 20 Meter Sand Message

Item #1: Do you live near (or within a fun road trip’s length of) some sand dunes or a beach? If so, the time has come to fulfill your destiny. Make a massive portrait (must be larger than 20 square meters – the larger the better) of either someone who inspires you or write a message of hope beautifully written in sand. Use a drone to capture footage, if helpful. Make sure you are not working on protected or ecologically sensitive dunes.

Team The Luscious Lucifers was pretty bummed when there wasn’t an item on the list to honor Carrie Fisher and her legacy after her death in 2016. Members of the team were touched by her open conversations and advocacy for mental health in addition to being big Star Wars fans. As such, they decided to sculpt a massive moment in Carrie’s honor featuring a portrait of Princess Leia and quotes “Rebellions are built on hope” and “join the resistance” from Star Wars.

An entire day was dedicated to this item as a teammate almost fell off of a lifeguard stand to photograph the sand sculpture and got harassed in the city at 3am by a drug dealer as she attempted to take the bus home. IT was absolutely worth it.