
The Top 10 Secrets of NYC's Ellis Island

Ellis Island aerial photo
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10. Ellis Island Used to be Privately Owned

The owner of Ellis Island, which he called Oyster Island, was Samuel Ellis. In 1785, he tried to sell it and even advertised it as a “pleasant situated island” in Loudon’s New York-Packet but there were no bites. The city leased the island for military purposes starting in 1794, upon the death of Ellis and buys it from the family in 1808 for $10,000.

9. Pirates Were Hung on Ellis Island

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Image via the Wellcome Library Creative Commons London A Man Rides Past a Gibbet. Lithograph by W. Clerk.

In the 1760s, Ellis Island was called Gibbet Island due to the pirate executions that took place there. A gibbet is the post from which the condemned were hung. According to Edgecombe, the pirates were left after their hanging as a warning to others. You can see a real life gibbet that has been retained for historical purposes in Northumberland, England here.

8. There Was Once a Bar for Fishermen on Ellis Island

Before the island came under government jurisdiction, there wasn’t much on the island. But there was a bar and restaurant for fishermen, according to Edgecombe. Today, you can see Ellis Island from a lesser-known floating bar, the William Wall, that serves as the clubhouse for the Manhattan Yacht Club.

7. Ellis Island is Mostly Man-Made

The original part of the island is smaller than the size of the Immigration Inspection Building. Ship ballast and excavation from the construction of the subways increased through landfill the size of Ellis Island by six acres. In total, 90% of Ellis Island is man-made.
See more of the man-made areas of NYC.

6. Half of Ellis Island is Abandoned

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The Ellis Island hospital morgue and autopsy theater

The hospital complex on the south side of Ellis Island was once one of the most advanced in the world. So advanced that some of the city’s wealthiest families wanted to be treated there, but were rejected since the hospital was a public health initiative, not for private clients.
You can take hard hat tours of this portion of the island and step inside the hospital spaces, where you can see the 2014 JR art installation Unframed Ellis Island. Book your tickets or the tour below:
Behind-the-Scenes Hard Hat Tour of the Abandoned Ellis Island Hospital

5. Ellis Island is Half in New York and Half in New Jersey

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The borders of Ellis Island have been contested since the early 1800s, coming to a final head in a Supreme Court case in 1998. There it was ruled that the areas constructed by landfill after 1834 belonged to New Jersey, this includes the entire abandoned side.
This decision means that some buildings are both in New York and New Jersey, so in practice the two states share jurisdiction. The island is federal property however, and the United States government is fiscally responsible and on the hook for maintenance.

4. Ellis Island was a Fort During the War of 1812

Image from Library of Congress made by Historic American Landscapes Survey.

After the island was sold by the Ellis family, the US government proceeded to fortify it and had a role in various wars. First, a twenty-gun battery, magazine, and barracks were built after acquisition in 1808, known as Fort Gibson. During the War of 1812, the island served as a garrison and POW camp. By 1861, the fort was decommissioned and replaced with a naval magazine. During the Civil War, it served as an ammunition supply depot.

3. There Used to be a Waterway Between the Hospital Complexes


Fairchild Aerial Survey photo, in public domain

On the southside of the island, there are two rows of hospital complexes surrounded by a large field. The field was originally a waterway that was filled in during the 1920s and landscaped in the 1930s, part of the New Deal.

9. In Terms of Taxes, Ellis Island is Part of Manhattan

Ellis Island Tax Lot-Lot 1 Block 201-Manhattan-NYC

Ellis Island’s tax number is Manhattan Block 1, Lot 201. Block 1 includes Governors Island, Liberty Island (on which the Statue of Liberty sits) and the Holland Tunnel. New Jersey also assigned its portion of Ellis Island a tax number.

1. All of the Corners in the Hospital Complex are Rounded

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The latest theories in healthcare were implemented at the south side hospitals of Ellis Island. It was thought at the time that corners harbored disease, so all the corners are rounded. The hallways of the hospital, with curved walls, were designed by Florence Nightingale.
For more on Ellis Island, purchase your tickets for our hard hat tour of its abandoned hospital complex:
Behind-the-Scenes Hard Hat Tour of the Abandoned Ellis Island Hospital
Read about our Top 10 Secrets of the Brooklyn Bridge and of Grand Central Terminal. Get in touch with the author @untappedmich.


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