If you love Paris, you’ll love this exhibit. Higher Pictures gallery is showing a collection of postcards from the 1920s by photographer Pierre Yves Petit. In addition to the patina of age in these photographs, there is a deliberate moodiness captured through light, shadow and subject-matter. According to the gallery, Petit (who called himself Yvon), preferred to photograph at sunrise and sunset, thus  working “the drama of the sublime, making stunning, hypnotizing and beautiful pictures. Yvon’s style evokes other flâneur of the time such as Eugène Atget.

Untapped correspondent David Hecht, who checked out the exhibit says that “Yvon’s minute postcards contain a surprising combination of grandeur and intimacy in lonely Parisian public spaces. The sense of quiet and peace in these images belies their situation. They also manage to render the familiar slightly strange, taking scenes with unmistakable landmarks and displaying them from angles that still seem novel even 90 years on, or perspectives that cast new light on old forms.”

The exhibition will be up until January 29th. For more photographs, see the gallery’s website.

764 Madison Avenue (between 65th/66th street)
New York, NY 10065
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11-6 pm