4. The Little Red Lighthouse

The Little Red Lighthouse under the George Washington Bridge

The North Hook Beacon was constructed in 1889 and served Sandy Hook, New Jersey. It stood there until 1917 when it was reconstructed on Jeffrey’s Hook four years later. It maintained an active lighthouse until 1947, by which time it was deemed obsolete due to the illumination from the George Washington Bridge. In 1951, the lighthouse was slated for demolition to be sold as scrap. An outcry of public support, which is said to have been the direct result of the children’s book, The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridgesaved the lighthouse. The lighthouse was transferred to the New York City Parks Department and is now a member of the Historic House Trust. A handful of times a year, the lighthouse is open to the public. The little book that could was written in 1942 by Hildegarde Swift, illustrated by Lynd Ward. Though less well known today, the book is a classic and worthwhile addition to any library.