If you’re looking to avoid the standard Halloween at all costs and up for a more “urbanist” experience, we’ve rounded up some events for city nerds.
Costumed Halloween Twilight Tour at the Newtown Creek Digester Eggs
Interested? RSVP by sending an email to [email protected]
Pumpkin Impalement in Cobble Hill
The Pumpkin Impalement, organized by artist Jane Greengold in Cobble Hill, features 100 unique pumpkins impaled on a fence on the corner of Kane and Strong. This is the final Halloween that the pumpkin impalement will take place at this location so check it out between 3:00 and 7:00 p.m. on Halloween.
Woodlawn Conservancy Sacred Departed Tour
The Woodlawn Conservancy group is offering a Halloween experience focused on the dead with their Sacred Departed tour of Woodlawn Cemetary in the Bronx. A combination of outdoor tour and theater takes you from the cemetery’s Belmont mausoleum to the Woolworth family mausoleum while actors play those buried there. The tour begins on Halloween at 7:00 p.m. at the Jerome Avenue entrance and costs $20 for members and students ($25 if you are neither).
Gothic Literature Reading at the Merchant’s House Museum
Parlors set for a Victorian funeral in a house standing since 1832 make the perfect setting for dramatic readings from 19th century Gothic literature. The Merchant’s House Museum is holding this spooky event the night of Halloween. Tickets are $25 for non-members and $15 for members.
Boroughs of the Dead Historical Tour
Image source: Boroughs of the Dead. <