Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in NYC 2025
Discover 10 ways to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in NYC this year, from eye-opening tours to Irish treats!
It’s that time of year again! The No Pants Subway Ride from Improv Everywhere is back this Sunday January 12th. There are two requirements to participate according to the website, willingness to take your pants off and ability to keep a straight face.
Here are the details:
When: Sunday, January 12 at 3:00 PM, Sharp! (Over around 5 PM)
Where: Seven meeting points spread out all over New York City. Details below.
Bring: A backpack/bag and a metro card.
Wear: Normal winter clothes (hat, gloves, etc)
Facebook: You can RSVP to the Facebook Event (Optional but appreciated)
Twitter: Use #NPSR and mention @ImprovEvery
Afterparty: Greenwich Village Country Club. Details below. Facebook Event for party.
Meeting Points:
Astoria: Meet at Hoyt Playground – Google Map
Brooklyn: Meet by the Old Stone House – Google Map
Downtown Manhattan: Meet at Foley Square – Google Map
Lower East Side: Meet at Sarah Roosevelt Park on Houston – Google Map
Queens: Meet at the Unisphere in Flushing Meadows Park – Google Map
Uptown Manhattan: Meet at the Great Hill in Central Park – Google Map
Williamsburg / Bushwick: Meet at Maria Hernandez Park – Google Map
The event is also worldwide, find details here. Share your photos with us by hashtagging #untappedcities on your Instagram or Twitter photos, see the photos on our Live page.
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