World-renowned street artist JR, whose global art project Inside Out has been going on for three years at this point, is collaborating with the New York City Ballet for their second annual Art Series of ballets. Both the installation and the ballet are taking place at the David H. Koch Theater in Lincoln Center. From the outside, you can see paste-ups of ballerina feet, inside however, JR has gone all out. The floor of the theater is covered in the vinyl of a photograph of 80 ballet dancers who JR personally photographed.
The exhibit also features ten close up photographs taken by the French artist, which will be displayed around the theater. The exhibit will be open to the public next week, and will run until February 9th. After that, the only way to view the installation will be to see the final ballet performance on the February 13th. Check out more photos from the ballet’s opening this week below:
All Photography done by Spencer Elzay. Get in touch with the author @TatteredFedora.Â