1. Hamilton Grange


Hamilton Grange was constructed in 1802 and designed by John McComb Jr. in the Federal style. It was built for Alexander Hamilton, who served as the first Secretary of the Treasury. Sadly, he only lived in the house for two years before being killed as a result of a duel with Aaron Burr. Hamilton Grange, which was named after his grandfather’s estate in Scotland, was moved in 1899 to Convent Avenue in order to stave off its destruction. Between 2006 and 2011, Hamilton Grange was moved again to St. Nicholas Park, in order to restore the house and provide a setting more in tune with its original location. Hamilton Grange National Memorial is owned and operated by the National Parks Service.

To find out just how many hours the author has spent in Buell Hall (not as a insane asylum patient), contact her @untappedmich. This article also written by Benjamin Waldman