Penn Station, even the current incarnation, is full of fun secrets–the subject of our upcoming tour on the Remnants of the Original Penn Station. Yesterday, we discovered a new curiosity: this door to nowhere in the Amtrak terminal. This is a question for all you intrepid Untapped readers out there. What is this door for?
Coming up from the Hilton Passageway into the Amtrak area, you’ll encounter this door up against the wall next to Auntie Anne’s Pretzels. Looking behind the door, there’s no opening either.
But there are locks on the front:
UPDATE: Reader Tony P has solved the mystery–it’s a metal accordion security gate:
See more quirky NYC facts and discoveries in our “Daily What?!” series. Check out what may be the smallest door in the NYC subway. Get in touch with the author @untappedmich.