1. “Metamorphosis” by Caroline Bergonzi

'Metamorphosis' by Artist Caroline Bergonzi
‘Metamorphosis’ by Artist Caroline Bergonzi

You will find ‘Metamorphosis’ by artist Caroline Bergonzi as you approach the 72nd Street boat basin.  Created out of steel and bronze, this installation appears as if a phoenix rising from the ashes, and turning from rust to gold.  Below is a closer look at her intricate work.  ‘Metamorphosis’ measures 14′ x 22′ x 8′.

A close-up of 'Metamorphosis', an intricate piece created from steel and bronze. Artist - Caroline Bergonzi
A close-up of ‘Metamorphosis’, an intricate piece created from steel and bronze. Artist – Caroline Bergonzi

Later this summer, a collaborative piece will be installed in Van Cortlandt Park (photo below left).  Also below, a group photo of the artists with the Director of this Program, master sculptor Greg Wyatt.  You can find each installation on the Model to Monument Program Map, and you can follow the Art Students League on Facebook.  For a broader view of each artists’ work, we’ve included their individual websites.  We look forward to hearing from the League about the future of the M2M Program at the conclusion of this fifth and final year.

Continue on to see 16 other art installations you shouldn’t miss this month. Get in touch with the author at AFineLyne.