
Renowned French conceptual artist Pierre Huyghe created ‘Untilled (Liegender Frauenakt)‘ back in 2012, and the sculpture has not been seen for quite some time since it was acquired by the Museum of Modern Art. This summer, however, it was shown in the museum’s sculpture garden, and has about four days left until it is put back into storage.

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The sculpture, a concrete female nude with its head replaced by “a live colony of gentle bees,” falls right in line with the rest of Huyghe’s work, which often explores life systems and art’s relationship with nature. His previous works, which have included rock gardens, films, and the usages of various animals like tropical fish, dogs, and hermit crabs, spans multiple genres. It is another of his major works to be exhibited in the city this summer, coming after a showcase on the rooftop of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

According to the MoMA press release accompanying the sculpture’s exhibition, the hive may serve to symbolize the collective thought of bees and their strict hierarchical society in comparison to human political and social systems.

‘Untilled (Liegender Frauenakt)’ will close on Friday, which, coincidentally, is also National Honey Bee Day.

Next, read about Pierre Huyghe’s eclectic rock garden the Met Rooftop. Get in touch with the author @jinwoochong.