2.79 Laight Street, The U.S. Sugar Building
With “The U.S. Sugar Building” written across this building’s red brick exterior, 79 Laight Street is the second building on this list with a clear connection to its manufacturing past. Built in 1853 by the Grocers Steam Sugar Refining Company and then sold to the U.S. Sugar Refining Company, the 10 story building became one of the tallest in New York City during its early years and constituted an imposing part of the skyline.
New York City’s shipping activities moved from the East River to the Hudson River after the Civil War. Manufacturing buildings and factories, like the U.S. Sugar Building, were built as a result of this shift. Also known as the “Sugar Warehouse,” this building’s location next to the Hudson River was convenient, as the adjoining sugar refinery (which was significantly damaged during its lifetime) processed sugar sent from other countries.