
For over 100 years, the arch in Washington Square Park has been one of New York’s most famous monuments. Located in Greenwich Village, it was dedicated on May 4, 1895 to George Washington to celebrate the centennial of his presidential inauguration. It has since overlooked years of city history and cultural shifts. But while everyone is familiar with its exterior, the interior of the arch remains fairly mysterious. Closed off to the public, only a few people a year get the privilege of stepping inside of it. Here are some exclusive photos from inside the historic arch. 

Devin Thomas, who is @tribecasurfer, has had the privilege of going inside the arch quite a few times, and has shared with us some of his photos from the inside, giving us a look at the mystery behind the marble monument. 

entrance-washington_squara_arch-washington_square_park-nyc-untapped_cities-devin_thomas-001The door to get in on the western side of the arch

chamber-washington_squara_arch-washington_square_park-nyc-untapped_cities-devin_thomasDevin Thomas in the main chamber

staircase-washington_squara_arch-washington_square_park-nyc-untapped_cities-devin_thomasThe view of the staircase leading up to the roof. It goes up to the vertical section and then continues straight to the roof

leg_vent-washington_squara_arch-washington_square_park-nyc-untapped_cities-devin_thomas-001This is the inside of the east leg of the arch

A photo of the inside of one of the arches legs seems to be quite rare. Devin Thomas believes that as far as he can tell, “this is the only picture out there of this,” so to have if photographed is quite a treat. To get in, Thomas climbed in through one of the metal vents located in the main chamber.

stairway_top-washington_squara_arch-washington_square_park-nyc-untapped_cities-devin_thomasThe top of the staircase leading up to the roof

roof-washington_squara_arch-washington_square_park-nyc-untapped_cities-devin_thomas This is the view from the top looking east

5th_ave_view-washington_squara_arch-washington_square_park-nyc-untapped_cities-devin_thomasThe view from the roof looking up 5th Avenue

rooftop_view-washington_squara_arch-washington_square_park-nyc-untapped_cities-devin_thomasFinally, the view from the top looking down at the Washington Square Park fountain

Next, check out the Top 10 Secrets of the Washington Square Arch and the Top 10 Secrets of Washington Square Park