2. West Side Market

Cleveland-West Side Market-Guastavino Tile Ceiling_1

For a New Yorker who steps inside West Side Market, the vaulted ceiling will seem very familiar. That’s because the tiled ceiling is by Guastavino, the prolific immigrant craftsmen who produced the tiling at Grand Central Terminal, Ellis Island, the Municipal Building downtown and much more. Here, the ceiling is 44 feet high, crowning a market space 241 feet long. Construction began on the market in 1908 and was completed in 1912, making the structure, which retains its original function, over a 100 years old. Just like when it opened, today, the market offers over 100 booths selling fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy and a plethora of ethnic foods at affordable prices.

The West Side Market is located at 1979 West 25th St. in the Ohio City neighborhood.