From Valentine’s Day to the Lunar New Year, February is a month filled with celebrations, beginning with the Public Art Fund‘s 40th Anniversary celebration. There will be timely outdoor art installations for Valentine’s Day and Lunar New Year, previews of architecture that will change New York City’s landscape and indoor exhibits about some of our favorite spots in the city.
Here are 12 installations and exhibits to enjoy during February in New York City.
12. Celebrating 40 Years, The Public Art Fund
This is scheduled to be an exciting year for The Public Art Fund, as they celebrate a 40th anniversary with four installations throughout the year, in various parts of the city, beginning with Commercial Break, opening February 6. The media-based artwork, Commercial Break, was inspired by The Public Art Fund’s seminal exhibition, Messages to the Public – which ran on the 800 square foot board in Times Square from 1982 to 1990, and displayed artworks by 70 figures – including Guerrilla Girls, and Keith Haring – the work meant to disrupt the daily flow of advertising across the big screen.
Commercial Break will invite a new generation of artists to create interventions – or disruptions – exploring issues relevant today. Sites for this exhibit include a large billboard in Times Square near the site of the original Spectacular Board, along with thousands of LinkNYC kiosks across the city. More than twenty artists will be presenting new and adapted work.
Commercial Break will be on view through March 6, 2017. Next on the 40th Anniversary list will be Liz Glynn: Open House, beginning March 1st at the Doris C. Freedman Plaza; Anish Kapoor: Descension at Brooklyn Bridge Park beginning in May; and Katja Novitskova: Earth Potential in June at City Hall Park.
The Public Art Fund was founded by Doris C. Freedman in 1977, and has grown to include artwork and sculptures outside the boundaries of traditional institutions, in all five boroughs, using our public parks as urban galleries.