Photo: David Giesbrecht/Netflix
The new Marvel series, Iron Fist, released on Netflix this past weekend. The story chronicles billionaire heir Danny Rand, who has been presumed dead for fifteen years and his return to New York City, and his attempt to regain control of his father’s company and defeat sinister forces that have infiltrated the city and Rand Corporations. Many characters appear in other Netflix Marvel shows, like Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Daredevil.
Here below are the film locations seen in Iron Fist:
1. Rand Enterprises Headquarters
Photo: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
After a long time away, Danny Rand heads back (shoeless) to the headquarters of Rand Enterprises looking for Harold Meachum. He’s promptly escorted out by security, after he sees what appears to be some unsettling information in the company video. Though the street signs indicate that Rand Enterprises is located on Vanderbilt Avenue and 46th Street next to Grand Central Terminal, the actual exterior film location is in One Chase Manhattan Plaza at 28 Liberty Street, just next to the Federal Reserve Bank, whose rusticated facade you can see in the background of the scenes.
This building is also where some of Lower Manhattan’s notable public art is located, including a sunken piece by Isamu Noguchi and Group of Four Trees by Jean Dubuffet, which you can see on the outside of the building in the shots filmed at the elevator bank.
Danny fights with security and makes it up to see Joy and Ward Meachum, where he’s informed Harold died 12 years back of cancer and that they believe Danny has died too. In the elevator, we see Danny have flashbacks back to a plane crash. The interior office scenes are filmed in the MetLife building in Midtown near Grand Central Terminal. In the interior shots, you can see the Helmsley Building right in front Ward Meachum’s office.