19. Item #37: Storm Trooper Public Transit

Item #37: No one talks about the fact that the destruction of the Death Star put thousands of Stormtroopers out of work. Luckily, the Empire has a pretty robust social safety net and most of them have been retrained and placed in new jobs, the majority of which have been in the transportation sector. Let’s see a stormtrooper driving/flying a large passenger vehicle. Must be for mass transit, not just a car or a van. A subway, train, bus, ferry, plane, etc.

Some GISHWHES items can be expected every year. Since the beginning of the hunt, there has always been a Stormtrooper item that has the galaxy’s most notorious beings doing something you wouldn’t expect. Past years have seen Stormtroopers cleaning the pool, getting pampered, and now driving mass transit. This trooper, photographed by Saga from team The Luscious Lucifers, is driving a train in Sweden.