7. The Bible Used for the Inauguration Was Brought from the Nearby St. John’s Masonic Lodge

General Morgan Lewis was Marshal of the day. His aid General Jacob Morton, Master at St. John’s Masonic Lodge, brought the bible and red cushion from the lodge. The Masonic bible used for the ceremony is a copy printed in 1767 in London and features a large illustration of King George II.

Robert Livingston, Chancellor of State of New York and Grand Master of Grand Lodge of New York, administered the oath to George Washington. Livingston was one of a committee of five who drafted the Declaration of Independence 13 years earlier.

With his right hand on the bible, Washington repeated the 35 word oath. Adding, “So help me God”, and bent down to kiss the bible. Livingston then shouted “It is done!” and “Long live George Washington, President of the United States!” to the crowd below. The raising of a flag signaled a discharge of artillery from the Battery, cheers and ringing of bells filled the city.