1. 20th Anniversary Artwork by Brian Selznick

US, 2018, Brian Selznick, Art by Brian Selznick © 2018 by Scholastic Inc.

For the twentieth anniversary of the Sorcerer’s Stone’s, Scholastic asked illustrator Brian Selznick to reimagine the cover art for the entire series. Selznick did so and designed all seven covers to be pieces of one continuous illustration. This drawing distills the entire story of Harry Potter from his delivery to Privet Drive through the Battle of Hogwarts. The illustrations is extremely detailed and if you spend time with it up close you will pick out iconic pieces of Harry’s story like his stag patronus, the invisibility cloak, Hermione’s time turner, and the Hogwarts Express.

This piece is one example of the many pieces of original artwork created by the Harry Potter series’ many illustrators and cover artists that can be seen in the exhibit. There are cases filled with Harry Potter books from around the world, original sketches and drawings by illustrator Jim Kay, and examples of artwork by original cover artist Marie GrandPrĂ©, and Kazu Kibuishi, who designed the fifteenth anniversary cover art.

Next, check out 5 Places to Visit in NYC to Celebrate the Art of Magic