9. Item 1: Making an Assbutt

“Item 1: Make an Assbutt of yourself in public. Literally.”

As the last season of Supernatural approaches, (cue a single man tear), GISH chose an Assbutt as this year’s mascot—one part donkey and one part butterfly… get it? The GISH mascots are always a bizarre mashup of two animals, but this one holds a special place in the hearts of fans.

In season five, Misha Collins’ character Castiel yells, “Hey! Assbutt!” at Satan himself. The line became one of the most iconic phrases from the show. To honor the final season, GISH brought the quote to life with this year’s mascot.

Goats! Goats! Goats! teammate Gail Porter said: “The wonderful ‘old’ lady being harassed is Gael. She owns Stages Costume Shop in Wheeling, West Virginia. She helps me with costumes, picture taking, ideas, or anything I need during the Hunt—a friend I made purely from playing GISH.”

This is yet another example of GISH bringing people together. Through GISH people are forced to branch out of their normal circle. This gives everyone a chance to meet people they wouldn’t have crossed paths with had it not been for this wacky week-long event. Friendships from around the globe are forged virtually and in-person during GISH and beyond. You can’t put a price on friendship.