8. Sandminers Monument Park and Bar Beach

Sandminers MonumentSandminers Monument

Sandminers Monument Park is a tribute to the sand miners of Port Washington. According to the memorial’s website, the sandbanks of Port Washington were formed more than 20,000 years ago when retreating glaciers left behind deposits of glacial sand and gravel. Port Washington had the largest sandbank east of the Mississippi River. Over 140 million yards of sand were delivered from Port Washington to New York City since 1880, used to construct the sidewalks, skyscrapers, water tunnels and other infrastructure. The monument featured in the park is a sculpture of three sand miners looking into the distance holding sand mining equipment, and in front of the three men is a replica on downtown Manhattan with two hands holding sand above it to symbolize Port Washington’s significance in the city’s development. The site features many maps of Long Island’s sand mining locations as well as a look into construction efforts in the city.

The Sandminers Monument Park is located to the east of Harbor Links Golf Course and southwest of North Hempstead Beach Park. The latter park is a 34-acre park that includes Bar Beach, as well as a promenade, playground, and ball courts. Currently, the beach is only open to Nassau County residents, but the Monument Park is open to all visitors.