2. The Fraser’s Townhouse
Photo: David Giesbrecht/HBO
In The Undoing, the Frasers live with their son Henry on the Upper East Side. The 5-floor brick townhouse is located at 8 East 63rd Street between 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue less than a block from Central Park. The home is actually for sale at $29,995,000 — likely one of the reasons it was used as a film location. It was last sold for $9.25 million in 2013. The building number has been changed to No. 3 for the purposes of the filming, a standard practice for film shoots.
But interestingly enough, the interior of the house is shot somewhere else. The cozier interiors gives the Frasers a little more down-to-earth feel which could make sense given their jobs as two doctors. It’s also made clear in the first episode that Grace comes from a wealthy family and her father is paying for Henry’s private school. The interiors of the Frasers’ home make a contrast to the classic interiors of the grander townhouse Grace goes to for the meeting of the fundraising group for the school.