2. Parts of Lyndhurst Mansion acted as a sewing school for a time

Recreation center at Lyndhurst Mansion.

Helen Gould, daughter of Jay Gould, inherited the mansion in 1892. Diverging from her father’s career in the railroad industry, Gould devoted her time to philanthropy. Using the expansive property to her advantage, Gould hosted events and classes to educate and benefit children in the Tarrytown area. The Lyndhurst Sewing school was a product of these efforts.

During sewing classes, girls learned basic sewing skills such as embroidery. Gathering oftentimes on the lawns designed by Davis, the girls laughed and chatted as they learned skills deemed necessary for them at the time. These lessons mobilized her students, allowing them to work in their own homes rather than for other, wealthier women.

On Mother’s Day in 1912, a “New York Times” article claimed that Gould entertained 300 mothers of her students. The article stated, “Miss Gould received and welcomed each mother, and made a short address. She said she was glad to see so many mothers present, for their presence showed their interest in their children’s work.”