7. Greenwich Village

105 Bank Street

According to Village Preservation, the Beatles briefly came to Greenwich Village amid the chaos of Beatlemania during their first trip in February 1964. According to several sources, the Beatles snuck down from Midtown to Greenwich Village and headed to a coffeehouse called Improvisation, which might have been located near the coffeehouses on MacDougal Street. Although the coffeehouse no longer exists, the community’s many historic structures that the Beatles glanced at and perhaps went into during their trip remain. Today, there is a mural on the West 3rd Street facade of 125 MacDougal Street centering the Beatles in front in various colors.

After the Beatles broke up, Lennon and Ono moved to an apartment in Greenwich Village at 105 Bank Street. The apartment is located on a quiet cobblestone street, where they momentarily had an escape from the craziness of the city, but their home was shortly after robbed. The couple then moved to the Dakota.