2. Proposed South of Union Square Historic District

Union Square

Rampant development is threatening the historic character of parts of the East Village and Greenwich Village south of Union Square. While adaptive reuse has seen factories, schools, rowhouses, lofts, firehouses, and recording studios get converted into condos, shops, theaters, restaurants, and university classrooms, the neighborhood lacks landmark protections.

“How many neighborhoods can claim to have been central to the struggles for African American and LBGTQ+ civil rights, as well as the Women’s Suffrage movement, while also housing some of the most important artists, writers, dancers, sculptors, publishers, and recording studios of the last century and a half?” Andrew Berman, Executive Director of Village Preservation, said in a statement. “Sadly that rich history is gravely endangered by a rising tide of demolitions and oversized development. We hope this designation will help spur the new Mayoral administration to finally act to protect this irreplaceable history, so central to the story of New York and our country.”