28. Jim Rennert’s three life-sized sculptures Timing, Inner Dialogue, and Commute

Photo courtesy of Jim Rennert

At 6th Avenue and West 47th Street New York-based sculptor Jim Rennert will present three larger-than-life sculptures through 2023 that depict the daily struggles and achievements of everyday people. Embodying the fast-paced New York City lifestyle, these sculptures represent the meeting point between the business world and ordinary life. 

The first sculpture in the series, Timing, depicts a person looking anxiously at their watch, highlighting the importance of timing, being in the right place at the right time, and the difficulty we all face to find balance in our schedules. Inner Dialogue in comparison involves a small figure standing in the palm of a figure, metaphorically showcasing the familiar feeling of having a conversation with one’s conscience. To round out the sculptures, Commute features a figure sitting on a bench with a briefcase in his hand as he waits for the train — honoring the work Americans perform every day in less bucolic settings with minimal physical engagement.