Bonus: Alien Abductions on the Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge with a background of the lower Manhattan skyline.

In 1989 one of the most compelling alien abductions took place right here in New York City. Manhattan resident Linda Napolitano claimed that on the night of November 30th she was abducted from her apartment, carried through her closed window, and brought aboard an alien spaceship where little gray creatures performed various experiments on her. This incident became known as the Manhattan Transfer Abduction.

Throughout the years following Napolitano’s abduction, two eyewitnesses came forward to reveal what they saw that night. Those witnesses were the two bodyguards of the Secretary General of the United Nations at the time, Perez de Cuellar. They claimed to have seen Linda and three grey creatures floating through the air above the Brooklyn Bridge towards a large craft. That craft eventually dove straight into the East River. Cuellar himself would never speak publicly about what he may or may not have seen, but more witnesses who claimed to have seen the abduction from the point of view of the Brooklyn Bridge area have come forward. Napolitano’s experience was researched by UFOlogist Budd Hopkins and turned into a book, Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge Abductions. You can watch Hopkins explain one eyewitness’ testimony from the bridge here!

Next, check out The 10 Creepiest Places in NYC