6. OK Indo Food Store

OK Indo Food Store in Little Indonesia

OK Indo Food Store is a tiny, off-the-beaten-path Indonesian grocery store. Recognizable for its red awning, the store sits on Justice Avenue and can comfortably fit only five or six people. On one side of the shop are packaged ingredients like Indonesian spices, mixes, and dry ingredients used for all types of cooking. Packaged noodles and snacks are stuffed into plastic containers, while all sorts of fresh produce are scattered throughout the shop, some in Ziploc bags.

On the other end of the store are stacks of cooked food resembling the menus of some of the neighborhood’s restaurants. Dishes include shumai, nasi lemak, and rice flour pudding. There are also dozens of cakes and other desserts that fill up shelves at the back of the store. While there, make sure to get Teh Kotak, a popular jasmine tea.

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