5. General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen Library
In Episode 7, Abe visits his grandson Ehtna’s school, The Alcott, and tours the library. Abe is impressed by the school’s facilities…and its snacks…but not as impressed with Ethan’s academic performance. The historic library of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen Library in Manhattan, just blocks away from Bryant Park, was used as the filming location.
Founded in 1820, it’s the second oldest library in New York City (The oldest is the New York Society Library (1754)). The impressive space features a large skylight and four floors filled with stacks of books. The society also holds th John M. Mossman Lock Collection, “which has more than 370 locks, keys, and tools, dating from 4000 B.C. to the early 20th-century.”