Austin does seem to have it all—good schools, great jobs, a diverse economy including booming tech, and fabulous outdoor living. Here are 10 fun things to see.
The Austin Music Scene is much like an eclectic group of carnies and street performers. You'll find each quirky group in unexpected places.
While walking down South Congress street in Austin, one will notice endless food truck options selling cupcakes, tacos and pies
In this week's Art of Style, Kit Mills spies a guy in Austin with pouffy hair and a jacket that makes him look like a member of a belly-dancing marching band.
Austin Food Service Part Two - Prepare to hear a handful of songs repeated endlessly at the restaurant you frequent.
Artist Pat Davis illustrates what he learned during his short stint in Austin food service: appearance matters, so make sure to don quirky headwear that shouldn’t be worn indoors.
If you are male and moving to Austin, remember to pack a mustache comb, some wax, and a lot of confidence.
With a city motto of "Keep Austin Weird," it should come as no surprise that many of Austin's social places are eccentric bars and lounges.
Art Alliance Austin Executive Director Meredith Powell shares how Austin artists’ current projects are re-shaping the city and how the arts community aims to keep up with Austin’s inevitable growth.
In 2010, the City of Austin asked the self-dubbed “Junk King,” to dismantle the construction of found art in his backyard, dubbed the Cathedral of Junk. The mere asking to take it down equated to the chipping away of what keeps Austin weird.