
Cities 101: How Do NYC Subway Stations Get Cleaned? Powerwashing.

Cities 101: How Do NYC Subway Stations Get Cleaned? Powerwashing.
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5.9 million people on average ride the MTA daily. That’s almost six million pairs of shoes walking up and down the hundreds of platforms that make up our beloved New York City subway, accidentally or purposefully dropping trash and more. Just imagine what is under every single sneaker, sandal, high heel, loafer and boot. It will take more than just a few Swiffer pads to get all of that out. So how does the MTA clean up the subways?

Cities 101-Power Washing Subway Station-Canal Street-NYC-MTA-2

We found ourselves on the Canal Street A/C/E platform late one evening and we got to see how exactly they do it. Not with just brooms and mops, but with high powered water cannons on the staircases, platforms, posts and ceilings. All those little black pieces of residue get power washed off the platform and swept onto the tracks. Then one of our favorite infrastructure things showed: the garbage train.

Next, see the fleet of NYC’s subway maintenance cars and get an inside look at the famous armored money train. Follow us on YouTube!


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