A Walk Through the Renovated Frick Collection in NYC
Get a first look at new spaces and restored galleries in the museum set to reopen this April!
One of the things we learned on the Untapped Cities tour of the Secrets of Grand Central was that there are walkways in the massive windows of the terminal! This photo was shot by Mandeep Bedi of Taste Architecture on the tour. If you look closely, you’ll see someone crossing right between the first zero in 100. The walkways connect the offices above Grand Central so the employees don’t have to walk through the busy terminal, according to Untapped Cities tour guide Tamara Agins.
On a special visit (not on our public tour), we explored the top level walkway itself, which is of glass cinderblock. You need a special key pass to get into the hallways normally.
View of Grand Central Terminal from atop the glass walkways in the windows
Join us for an upcoming tour of the secrets of Grand Central Terminal:
Tour of the Secrets of Grand Central Terminal
Find out more out more secrets of Grand Central here. Take our next tour of the Secrets of Grand Central Terminal. Want us to track down an obscure piece of history? Write to us at info@untappedcities.com or through our contact page.
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