The Paterno’s: The Immigrant Family that Helped Build Upper Manhattan

The Paterno’s: The Immigrant Family that Helped Build Upper Manhattan

Take a virtual tour around the Upper West and East Sides visiting the nearly 40 Paterno family structures with great-granddaughter of Dr. Charles V. Paterno, Carla Golden

We’ll explore:

  • Which was the first Paterno building to showcase a monogram and why
  • What effect did brotherly-competition have on the use of multiple monograms per building
  • Which family member was the only to employ un-matching monograms
  • Which family members combined their initials to make a completely cryptic monogram
  • Who thought it would be a good idea to stick his face on his building instead of a monogram?

About the event:

The Paterno family monogrammed most of the apartment houses they built with treasured Manhattan architects Gaetan Ajello and Rosario Candela. Why? Let’s explore that question as we take a virtual tour around the Upper West and East Sides visiting the nearly 40 Paterno family structures that are adorned with various letters of the alphabet. Great-granddaughter of Dr. Charles V. Paterno, Carla Golden, will decode the monograms and share with you her theories on why not all Ajello- and Candela-designed Paterno buildings are embellished with personalized ornamentation. A brief family history and building portfolio overview will initiate our discussion.


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