Wild City: Sewer Alligators in NYC

Uncover the truth behind the legend of sewer alligators in NYC!

  • Discover the legend of alligators in New York City sewers
  • Learn how the sewer alligator legend was inspired by real-life events and New York City’s unlikely relationship with the swampy predator
  • Hear historical accounts of New York City’s fascination with sewer alligators and some of the efforts to keep the legend alive
  • Get 10% off your own copy of the Wild City book with an exclusive promo code

About this Event:

New York City has long had a fascination with alligators in the sewer. The ‘legend’ has been referenced across popular culture from Thomas Pynchon to Sharknado 2. But, there’s also a bit of historical truth to this tall tale. New York City has been – and still could be! — home to an alligator or two in its vast sewer system.

Join author Thomas Hynes for a talk on alligators in New York City’s sewers, how the story grew to such mythic proportions, and how the legend has a bit of truth behind it.

About Thomas Hynes:

Tom Hynes is the author of the book Wild City, an illustrated guide to 40 of the most well-known, surprising, notorious, mythical, and sublime non-human citizens of New York City.

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