#untappedcities Instagram “Pics” of the Week: Awe Inspiring Facades in NYC, Paris, Chicago
This week, we’re featuring incredible building facades captured by Untapped Cities readers who submitted Instagram and Twitter photos under the #untappedcities hashtag. The first four photos are as follows clockwise: Grand Central Terminal by @cosmosnchos, 400 years of facades by @bhushan_nyc, Timeless Guggenheim Museum by @kassaundra, and the rear facade of the Woolworth Building by @lauraitskowitz.
Our second grouping is just as impressive with great presentation by all contributors. They are as follows, also clockwise. The Helmsley Building by @nycloveaffair, The New Ebony Hotel by @vysynphotos, Interior Lawn and Facade of Paris City Hall by @facettes_ephemeres, and The Trump Tower Reflections in Chicago by @crainschicago.
To have one of your photo’s featured for the #untappedcities Instagram “Pic” of the Week, simply tag your Instagram shots with #untappedcities. Check out www.untappedcities.com/live for our Photo Pool.