

Untapped New York unearths New York City’s secrets and hidden gems. Founded in 2009 and a 100% independent local news publication based in New York City, Untapped New York is powered by a team of passionate New Yorkers, always exploring the city. We are dedicated to our mission of discovery, with multiple new articles published daily on new secret and hidden places, with behind-the-scenes access to the places we cover and meet the incredible people shaping our city. We aim to help people rediscover their own cities, to see the past, present and future that surrounds them, and hopefully through this knowledge to empower and engage them to become a larger part of the civic process of how the city evolves.

Editorial Policy

Untapped New York strives for the most accurate reporting as possible. Information on our website is derived from verified sources. These include interviews performed by our team, research by experts, articles from trusted news organizations, academic journals, academic journals, attendance at press conferences and press events, legal documents, and more. All our published content is reviewed by our editors before publication.

We ask our writers to be honest in their reporting, showing things as they are, implementing sound journalistic practices to and to avoid error, to the best of their ability. As such, they are asked to:

  • Identify sources when possible
  • Question the motive of sources, including press releases, information in press conferences, etc. To identify when advertising/marketing is masquerading as journalism.
  • Not to distort a headline or mislead for the sake of page views
  • Never to plagiarize
  • Avoid use of stereotype
  • Always seek a wide range of sources
  • Fact-check

All of our articles are reviewed for accuracy, fact-checking, and omissions before publication by either an editor, or both an editor and the Editor-in-Chief.


While we strive for utmost accuracy at the time of publication, information published may be later found to be inaccurate or included inadvertent mistakes that were not caught in the review process. We review all correction requests sent to, as well as through social media channels, perform the appropriate research and verification on it, update the article as necessary in a timely fashion, and when possible, respond to the person who submitted the request. If additional clarification is required, we may reach out to the person that submitted the correction. We are unable to answer all submissions, but review all that come our way.

While we do not actively update previously published articles for out-of-date information, we do make updates when that article is referenced in a newer article or is trending in views due to the news cycle. As a general rule, we do not accept take-down or unpublish requests on our digital stories, but will make the necessary corrections and add editorial notes to ensure it is as factually accurate as possible.

Use of Photography

All the photography on this website has been taken by our team, used with permission, or in a fewer number of cases, from the public domain or an open source image. We document all photographic usage and permissions. If you believe your photograph has been used in error and would like it removed, please send your request to

Ethical Policy

Untapped New York strives to avoid conflicts of interest when possible. Editorial content that promotes one of our business initiatives (tours, memberships) have the purpose clearly stated in the article with a clear call to action included. As a publication, we do not get involved in partisan causes, including politics, that would impact the ability to report on our editorial mandate fairly. Opinion pieces, which we rarely publish, are clearly labeled as op-eds.

We avoid active involvement in any partisan causes — politics, community affairs, social action, demonstrations — that could compromise or seem to compromise our ability to report and edit fairly.


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