NYC Just Had Its Worst Year for Brush Fires this Decade
As brush fires continue to rage in the New York area, data shows that they’ve become more prevalent in recent years.
Last night the New Yorker released its cover for next week’s issue in honor of the attacks at Charlie Hebdo in Paris. By Ana Juan, the illusration shows the Eiffel Tower as the symbolic pencil of journalists, tipped in red amidst a sandstorm of blood. Untapped Cities founder Michelle Young notes, “As a New Yorker, and a writer on Paris with a French husband and a French family now, I have to admit that this image really hit home. Maybe it was the similarity to the cloud of dust at Ground Zero–showing the vulnerability of a recognizable landmark as the symbol of a country’s pain emphasize the shared responsibility the global community has.”
Read on to see photographs from inside an editorial meeting Charlie Hebdo headquarters by Stephen Wassenaar who spent four days with the team in 2012.
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