Aaron Burr

10 Secrets of Hamilton Grange in NYC, Home of Alexander Hamilton
Since “Hamilton,” the hit musical following the peaks and valleys of Alexander Hamilton’s life, graced Broadway in August 2015,

The Weehawken, New Jersey Site Where Aaron Burr Alexander Hamilton Duel Took Place
In Weehawken at dawn, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and Vice President Aaron Burr met with their guns drawn

The Gracie Mansion Fireplace By Which Alexander Hamilton Died
Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, is memorialized all throughout New York, from Fraunces Tavern where he attended

A Guide to the Real-Life NYC Locations in Hamilton: Film Now on Disney+
With the launch of the film version of Hamilton today, we’ve updated our 2016 article on the New York

NYC Day Trip: 10 Historical Sites to Check Out in Princeton, NJ
“Princeton often changes people’s perceptions of New Jersey,” says Roger Williams, Secretary of the Princeton Battlefield Society as he

10 of NYC’s Oldest Historic Restaurants, Inns and Taverns
As a thriving commercial and retail center, New York City is home to a colorful array of restaurants. Every day,

A Guide to 10 NYC Locations in Hamilton: The Musical
We ran into New York City-based writer B.L. Barreras at the Brooklyn Book Festival, where he was promoting his

The Remarkable Rise of Eliza Jumel: An Early New York Success Story – Sort of
Morris Jumel Mansion She’s the woman who dueled with Aaron Burr and won. Move over Alexander Hamilton. The life

10 Places to Remember Alexander Hamilton in NYC
Alexander Hamilton is one of our country’s most famous Founding Fathers, undergoing a resurgence of popularity thanks to the

Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr’s Dueling Pistols are in the JP Morgan Chase Headquarters in NYC
Alexander Hamilton has become so trendy, he’s made it to the Grammy’s, as demonstrated in last night’s