Brooklyn Spaces is a compendium of 50 hubs of culture and creativity–ommunity-grown, artist-spaces in buildings and lots that have been adapted and reused.
A guide to NYC's diverse DIY indie music venues, which continue to thrive despite rent increases and gentrification.
Babycastles is a DIY arcade game collective in Brooklyn that's revolutionizing the world of indie games and art galleries in NYC.
The little known birthplace of NYC's DIY scene, Studio Rivbea, was in a building owned by Robert Deniro's mother and the home of iconic photographer Robert Mapplethorpe
The Cinderella story of a letterpress print shop on-wheels began once upon a time with a 1982 Chevy step van and was transformed from a raggedy old van to a beautiful letterpress print shop with the help of Kyle Durrie and a little magic.
New York City's underground Do-It-Yourself (DIY) scene is comprised of vibrant groups of musicians, visual artists, content curators and writers. Contrary to misconception, the DIY landscape is far from dead.
Witness the marriage of art and technology at DIY haven Maker Faire 2011.
Outdoor show to benefit the Silent Bar, the Ridgewood DIY music spot recently hit with a massive theft that threatens their operations.
A rundown of DIY music venues in New York, from Market Hotel, Silent Barn to Monster Island Basement.