Uncover the tragic story of Rufus Gilbert and his failed pneumatic train design for NYC's rapid transit system in the 19th century!
Find out why hundreds of workers went on strike during the midst of construction on NYC's Dakota Apartments on the Upper West Side!
Discover how Staten Island inspired the poetry and other literary works of the Harlem-born writer Audre Lorde!
Uncover the story of the Great Fire of 1776 in New York City which destroyed Lower Manhattan, from the Gotham Center Blog!
Discover which types of animals were given as donations to the Bronx Zoo in the early 20th-century, and who donated them!
Read about the splendid aquatic performance that saved the World's Fair amphitheatre, a remnant of the 1939 World's Fair!
Uncover NYC's Revolutionary Trail with a new multimedia walking tour from the Gotham Center for New York City History!
A new digital exhibit by the Gotham Center showcases Gilded Age photographs of Staten Island by Alice Austen.
Explore the five boroughs from the comfort and safety of your own home in this virtual talk featuring Russell Shorto and the Gotham Center
Use you knowledge of New York City to win prizes at the Museum of the City of New York's Ultimate Trivia Night!