The Stowaway:Â A Young Man's Extraordinary Adventure to Antarctica is a true story of Billy Gawronski, a NYC boy who stowed away on Admiral Byrd's 1928 expedition.
There are various notable pools in NYC, from historically significant ones now in ruins to a floating public pool to ones crowning five star hotels.
The St. George Hotel in Brooklyn Heights was once the largest hotel in NYC. Destroyed in a fire, there are still remnants of the original if you look closely.
This townhouse is not what it seems to be… Brooklyn Heights is probably best known for its charming, tree-lined streets
8 Weird NYC Subway Entrances: Get Your Hair Cut, Keys Made, and Shoes Shined in a NYC Subway Station
Ever wonder about the barber shops, locksmiths, bodegas, and shoe repair shops inside subway entrances? Why do some entrances have them while others don't?
Scouting NY reported on the remnants of the St. George Hotel, discovering that it is actually hidden beneath the Brooklyn's hotel current pool and gym floor.