
17 Gilded Age Mansions of Millionaire Row on NYC’s 5th Avenue

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The Cornelius Vanderbilt II Mansion on 57th Street and 5th Avenue, now demolished. Photo from Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Detroit Publishing Company Collection

New York City’s Fifth Avenue has always been pretty special, although you’d probably never guess that it began with a rather ordinary and functional name: Middle Road. Like the 1811 Commissioner’s Plan for Manhattan, which laid out the city’s future expansion in a rational manner, Middle Road was part of an earlier real estate plan by the City Council.

As its name suggests, Middle Road was situated in the middle of a large land parcel that was sold by the council in 1785 to raise municipal funds for new newly established nation. Initially, it was the only road to provide access to this yet-undeveloped portion of Manhattan, but two additional roads were built later (eventually becoming Park Avenue and Sixth Avenue).

The steady northwards march of upscale residences on New York City’s Fifth Avenue, and the retail to match, has its origins where the street literally begins: in the mansions on Washington Square Park. Madison Square was next, but it would take a combination of real-estate clairvoyance and social standing to firmly establish Fifth Avenue as the center of society. The AIA Guide to New York City calls this area of Fifth Avenue from 59th Street to 78th Street the “Gold Coast,” and rightly so.

Lost NY: Mansions of Fifth Avenue

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1. Mrs. Astor’s House, 34th Street and 5th Avenue

The catalyst for Fifth Avenue’s transformation came in the form of the Astor family. Patriarch John Jacob Astor had purchased large swaths of Manhattan in the aforementioned land sales, allowing William Backhouse Astor Sr. to present his son and the new Caroline Astor (née Webster Schermerhorn) with a parcel of land on 34th Street and 5th Avenue as a wedding gift in 1854.

Old money didn’t need to flaunt however, so the resulting home was a rather modest brownstone. But the arrival of upstarts A.T. Stewart across the street forced Caroline into action. Following extensive interior renovations in the French Rococo style, the first “Mrs. Astor’s House” was born. It was also here that societal standing was attained and lost, amidst the famous 400 (named so because it was simply how many people could fit into Mrs. Astor’s ballroom). The ballroom, sumptuously appointed with floor to ceiling artwork and a massive chandelier, was built in a new wing which replaced the stables.

With new fortunes being made overnight in the new center of world commerce that was New York, it was only logical that the new millionaires each needed their own mansions along 5th Avenue.

The Vanderbilt Triple Palace: 640 and 660 Fifth Avenue and 2 West 52nd Street: Demolished


Image from Public Domain from the A. D. White Architectural Photographs Collection, Cornell University Library

These three townhouses, built in 1882 and known as the “Triple Palaces,” were given to the daughters of William Henry Vanderbilt, son of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt. These buildings occupied the entire block between 51st and 52nd Street on 5th Avenue, along with the corner of 52nd Street. Henry Clay Frick was so taken in by the construction of 640 5th Avenue that he is quoted to have said, “That is all I shall ever want” on a drive past the Triple Palaces with his friend Andrew Mellon.

Indeed, Frick set out to emulate the art collection of Vanderbilt and even moved into 640 5th Avenue in 1905 with a 10 year lease, while George Vanderbilt was preoccupied with building the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina. He would have bought the house, if William H. Vanderbilt’s will had not barred George from selling the home and art outside of the family. Later, via a loophole, the property and artwork was able to be sold by Vanderbilt’s grandson to the Astors, who in turn sold the holdings in the 1940s.

The buildings, considered anachronistic, were demolished and replaced by skyscrapers. Today, they are home to retailers H&M, Godiva and Juicy Couture, while Frick’s art collection and mansion remain intact (including the secret bowling alley underground) on 70th Street and 5th Avenue.

3 & 4. Morton F. Plant House and George W. Vanderbilt House, 4 E. 52nd Street, 645 and 647 Fifth Avenue

In 1905, Architect C.P.H Gilbert built this American Renaissance mansion at the corner of 52nd Street and 5th Avenue for Morgan Freeman Plant, son of the railroad tycoon Henry B. Plant. Today, it’s been converted into the Cartier store but the original front entrance of the home was on 52nd Street. Next door were mansions of George W. Vanderbilt, son of William Henry Vanderbilt. The homes, designed by Hunt & Hunt also in 1905, were known as the “Marble Twins.” The AIA Guide to New York City describes both the Plant and Vanderbilt homes as “free interpretation[s] of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century palazzi.” The Vanderbilt mansion at 645 was demolished but 647 remains, now the Cartier store.

5. William K. Vanderbilt Mansion at 660 Fifth Avenue: Demolished

Photo from Library of Congress

Diagonally across from the Morton F. Plant House was the William K. Vanderbilt Mansion, which William’s wife, Alva Vanderbilt, commissioned from Richard Morris Hunt in a French-Renaissance and Gothic style in 1878. The mansion, affectionately referred to as the Petit Chateau, was part of Alva Vanderbilt’s tenacious attempt to break into the 400 society, in a time when new money was still looked down upon.

According to the book Fortune’s Children by Vanderbilt descendant Arthur T. Vanderbilt II, architect “Hunt knew his new young clients very well, and he understood the function of architecture as a reflection of ambition. He sensed that Alva wasn’t interested in another home. She wanted a weapon: a house she could use as a battering ram to crash through the gates of society.” The interiors were decorated from trips to Europe, with items from both antique shops and from “pillaging the ancient homes of impoverished nobility.” The facade was of Indiana limestone and the grand hall built of stone quarried from Caen, France.

But a grand house enough wasn’t enough, and she battled back with a ball of her own in which she invited more than the usual 400. 1,200 of New York’s finest were invited to this fancy dress ball in 1883, but not Mrs. Astor, who promptly, and finally, called on Alva’s new “upstart” home to guarantee an invitation to the ball for her and her daughter.

The ball was as incredible as promised with the New York Press head over heels. The New York Times called is “Mrs. W.K. Vanderbilt’s Great Fancy Dress Ball” where “Mrs. Vanderbilt’s irreproachable taste was seen to perfection in her costume.” The New York World went as far to say that it was an “event never equalled in the social annals of the metropolis.” At a $250,000 cost, this social coup solidified the Vanderbilt family in New York society.

Sadly, the mansion was demolished in 1926 after being sold to a real estate developer and in its stead rose 666 Fifth Avenue. Today, you’ll find a Zara occupying the retail floor.

6. 680 and 684 Fifth Avenue Townhouses: Demolished


Photo by Albert Levy in public domain from Wikimedia Commons

These two townhouses by architect John B. Snook were built in 1883 for Florence Adele Vanderbilt Twombly and Eliza Osgood Vanderbilt Webb as gift from William H. Vanderbilt. Florence lived in 684 until 1926 when she upgraded to a new mansion further north along Central Park. The Webbs sold 680 to John D. Rockefeller in 1913. Both were demolished for a skyscraper that has The Gap as its anchor tenant.

7. The Cornelius Vanderbilt II Mansion 742-748 Fifth Avenue: Demolished

The Cornelius Vanderbilt II Mansion on 57th Street and 5th Avenue, now demolished. Photo from Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Detroit Publishing Company Collection

Cornelius Vanderbilt II used the inheritance from his father the Commodore to purchase three brownstones on the corner of 57th Street and 5th Avenue, demolish them and build this mansion. According to the book Fortune’s Children by Vanderbilt descendant Arthur T. Vanderbilt II, it was “common belief that Alice Vanderbilt set out to dwarf her sister in law [Alva Vanderbilt]‘s Fifth Avenue chateau, and dwarf it she did.” Cornelius’ mansion was allegedly the largest single family house in New York City at the time, and its brick and limestone facade further differentiated it from its neighbors.

It gradually became eclipsed by even larger commercial skyscrapers and was sold to a realty corporation in 1926, who demolished the home and built the Bergdorf Goodman department store in its place. Still, a fun expedition is to track down the remnants of this mansion which are now scattered around Manhattan, including the front gates that are now in Central Park, sculptural reliefs now in the Sherry-Netherland Hotel and a grand fireplace now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

In Fifth Avenue’s evolution from mansions to luxury retail, two factors sustained its elegance, according to the AIA Guide to New York City:

“The Fifth Avenue Association (whose members had fought billboards, bootblacks, parking lots, projecting signs–even funeral parlors), and the absence of els or subways. To provide a genteel alternative for rapid transit, the Fifth Avenue Transportation Company was established in 1885, using horse-drawn omnibuses until 1907, followed by the fondly remembered double-deck buses. Once upon a time even the traffic lights were special: bronze standards with neo-Grec Mercury atop, subsidized by the Fifth Avenue Association concerned with style.”

Walking up 5th Avenue, you’ll pass the decadent Sherry-Netherland Hotel with its recently uncovered 1927 Beaux-Arts mural and the Stanford White-designed Metropolitan Club, founded by J.P. Morgan in 1891 for friends who were rejected from the old-money Knickerbocker Club. But even before the construction of the Metropolitan Club, a mansion was rising less than a block away on 61st Street and Fifth Avenue.

8 .The Bostwick Mansion, 800-802 Fifth Avenue: Demolished

Photo from New York Public Library

Jabez A. Bostwick was a founding partner and treasurer of Standard Oil, and moved his family into this 10-room French Second Empire mansion in 1876 on the corner of 61st Street. When his daughter married, he extended the mansion to 801 and 802 Fifth Avenue.

Various tragedies hit the Bostwick family over the years and the home was purchased by family friend Mrs. Marcellus Hartley Dodge, a daughter of William Rockefeller in 1922. From the get-go, Mrs. Dodge intended to redevelop the property but it sat seemingly abandoned until 1977. Today, it is a 33-story luxury apartment building. The three-story ground floor facade leads to a set-back tower, which is in accordance to requirements within the Fifth Avenue Special Zoning District. According to the AIA Guide, the new building “matches in height–but not in ambience–the Knickerbocker Club to the north.”

9. The Second Mrs. Astor’s House, 840 Fifth Avenue: Demolished

Photo from Library of Congress, George Grantham Bain Collection.

The first Mrs. Astor’s House on 34th Street and 5th Avenue heralded the beginning of high society in New York City, with the famous 400 hobnobbing in her grand ballroom. But a family feud between Caroline and her nephew William Astor manifested itself in terms of real estate. William demolished his townhouse next to Caroline to construct the original Waldorf Hotel. A year later in 1894, Caroline and her son moved away from the construction zone and uptown to a more fashionable spot on 65th Street and Fifth Avenue.

The architect was none other than Richard Morris Hunt who designed the William K. Vanderbilt House for Alva Vanderbilt in 1878. Alva had her mansion on 5th Avenue and 52nd Street designed with the express intent of breaking into the New York society Mrs. Astor had barred her from. Though there were technically two homes inside, one for Caroline and one for John Jacob Astor, the exterior was designed to look like one enormous mansion–likely a deliberate one-up to the massive Cornelius Vanderbilt II mansion on 59th Street and 5th Avenue. The ballroom connected the two residences and could host up to 1,200 guests, a number interestingly standardized by Alva Vanderbilt as well. The other interior spaces were also flexible and could be joined for events.

After Caroline’s death, John Jacob Astor took over Caroline’s portion of the mansion and performed major renovations to the ballroom and other spaces. On the personal end, he divorced his first wife Ava, remarried and booked travel for him and his new bride aboard the RMS Titanic for their return from a European honeymoon. The new (and pregnant) Mrs. Astor and her maid survived the tragedy but John did not. When Mrs. Astor remarried, she had to give up the mansion on 65th Street in accordance to Astor’s will. William Vincent Astor, John Jacob Astor’s son from his first marriage moved in with his wife. Later, preferring their Long Island estate, Astor and his wife sold off the mansion on 65th Street to developers and auctioned off the entire interior. Today the Temple Emanu-El stands in its place.

10. R. Livingston Beekman Townhouse, 854 Fifth Avenue

Though its now sandwiched between two apartment buildings, the R. Livingston Beekman townhouse designed by Warren & Wetmore remains as distinguished as when it was completed for the politician in 1905. Warren & Wetmore were also the architects behind Grand Central Terminal and Yonkers Train Station. The Landmarks Commission writes effusively that “in its noble scale this house, if multiplied, could form a palace. The design has a purity of style which was executed with such finesse and authority that it sets this French style residence apart as one of the finest small town houses extant on Fifth Avenue.” In her later years, Emily Thorn Vanderbilt Sloane, who had lived in the Vanderbilt townhouses on 5th Avenue and 52nd Street, moved into this house. Today it is home to the Mission of Yugoslavia to the United Nations, between 66th and 67th Streets.

11. Henry Clay Frick House (The Frick Collection)

Henry Clay Frick began amassing his art collection in one of the Vanderbilt Triple Palaces further south on Fifth Avenue, which he leased for ten years. In 1912, he commissioned this mansion on 5th Avenue and 7oth Street from Thomas Hastings, of the firm Carrère and Hastings who also designed the New York Public Library at Bryant Park. After Clay’s widow died, the mansion was converted into a museum but the underground bowling alley was kept intact. In the last century, the museum has been enlarged several times with the latest plan under attack by residents and architecture critics.

12 & 13. 925 and 926 Fifth Avenue

Between 73rd Street and 74th Street, you’ll pass by two five-story townhouses designed by C.P.H. Gilbert. While they were originally typical of turn-of-the-century Fifth Avenue architecture, today they provide a welcome respite amidst the tall apartment buildings that have come to dominate this stretch. These homes have been notable more in recent news–the lease on 926 Fifth Avenue was taken over for $21 million in 2008 with a $37,500 monthly rent on top.

14. Edward S. and Mary Stillman Harkness House, 1 East 75th Street

This Italian Renaissance-style mansion was built for the son of Stephen V. Harkness, a businessman in Ohio who had invested in Rockefeller’s oil business. Though the building is understated in its core design, pay close attention to the detailed ornamentation on the top. Because of the narrow lot, architects Hale & Rogers designed the main entrance to be on 75th Street and had to ask the neighbors to change their address to 3 East 75th Street.

15. Payne Whitney House, 972 Fifth Avenue

This beautiful Stanford White building between 78th and 79th Streets was designed for Payne Whitney and his wife Helene Hay Whitney as a wedding present from his uncle, Colonel Oliver Hazard Payne. The domed entrance hall and main staircase were installed by the Guastavino firm and the Marble Room, Reception Room and Venetian Room are truly a sight to behold. Today, it’s the Cultural Services of the French Embassy which holds events and has a beautiful bookstore, Albertine, allowing anyone to glimpse its interiors. It also features frequently in television shows like Law and Order and The Blacklist.

16. Harry F. Sinclair House, 2 East 79th Street

We conclude our walk along Millionaire’s Row with two homes on 79th Street, one lost and one still standing. The Isaac D. Fletcher Mansion on the south side of 79th Street and 5th Avenue is a French Gothic style home designed by C.P.H. Gilbert and completed in 1899. There have been a number of notable residents which include oil tycoon Harry F. Sinclair and August Van Horne Stuyvesant Jr., a descendant of Peter Stuyvesant. It’s now the Ukrainian Institute of America, a non-profit.

17. Isaac Vail Brokaw Mansion: Demolished


Photo from Library of Congress

This home on the north side of 79th Street is also in the French style, inspired by the Château de Chenonceau in France’s Loire Valley. Built by Isaac Vail Brokaw, a clothing manufacturer, in 1890, it suffered the fate of other historical buildings under threat in the 1960s. Like the original Metropolitan Opera House, the Landmarks Commission was already formed when the wrecking ball made its mark, but it had little legal authority. A rather nondescript apartment building went up in its place.

That so many of these Gilded Age mansions and townhouses have survived in this stretch of Manhattan’s Gold Coast is a testament to the reputation of Fifth Avenue as a bastion of real estate and cultural heritage. The re-appropriation of these homes into embassies, cultural institutions, apartments (and sometimes back to private homes), lend a rich history to these singular buildings, built by the city’s most influential to reflect their power, wealth and standing to the world. Though many of these individuals are no longer names remembered in the popular sphere, their more permanent memory lies in the architecture they left behind.

Next, read about the Top 10 Secrets of Grand Central Terminal. Get in touch with the author @untappedmich.


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