
The Top 10 Secrets of the United Nations in NYC

The Top 10 Secrets of the United Nations in NYC
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In honor of United Nations Day, coming up on Saturday October 24th, we’ve highlighted the historical and architectural secrets of the United Nations complex in New York City. Built from 1946 to 1952, the UN received a massive renovation from 2008 to 2014. Over the last few years, we’ve visited the place on many occasions and for events learning about its rich history.

10. United Nations Delegates Dining Hall

In 2014 following the renovation of the United Nations complex, the Delegates Dining Room quietly reopened in the General Assembly building. Relevant to us non-delegates is that the restaurant is actually open to the public. Though the mod-style architecture has mostly been replaced over the years, the view is just as stunning as ever and there’s a remnant of the Mad Men-era in the wooden entrance piece. The buffet format at the Dining Room means that you’ll be brushing past and sitting amidst ambassadors, dignitaries and delegates. Advance reservation is necessary and airport style security clearance when you arrive.

Read more about NYC’s Hidden Bars and Restaurants in the recent book by Untapped Cities founder Michelle Young and editor Laura Itzkowitz.

There’s No Tax at the United Nations Because It’s Part of International Territory

The land on which the United Nations is part of international territory (like parts of airports) and is administered by the UN. It belongs to the 193 member states of the United Nations, so when you enter the property you are technically leaving the United States. Though most of the laws of the city, state and nation do apply here, one thing that does not is sales tax. This means your meal at the Delegates Dining Room will be tax free! In addition, sales of cigarettes and tobacco products were banned inside the UN in 2008, and smoking was banned by 2014.

8. The United Nations Was Originally Going to Be The “X City” to Rival Rockefeller Center

Developer William Zeckendorf, Sr. hoped to build a place called “X City,” a “Dream City” to rival Rockefeller Center. Imagine a time where a single man could start to amass enough land on the East Side of Manhattan to cover 17 acres between 42nd and 48th Street. Plans included four 40-story office buildings, three 30-story apartment buildings, two 57-story towers for offices and a hotel. There would also be a concert hall that could be the potential home of the Metropolitan Opera, retail spaces, a parking garage, a marina, a floating nightclub and of course, the rooftop airport. Many of these features would be built on a 40-foot-high boulevard stretching 14 blocks over the city. With its own traffic and roads, the complex would be like a city within a city.

Zeckendorf liked to dream big but was unable to pay off the short term loans on this land parcel, so he sold the 17 acres to the Rockefellers in 1946 for a $2.5 million profit. The Rockefellers purchased the property for the intention of donating it for the United Nations headquarters. The $8.5 million purchase price is equivalent to $83 million today.

7. The United Nations Could Have Been in Westchester


Kykuit, the Rockefeller family estate

The Rockefeller family had originally offered part of Kykuit, the family estate as the headquarters for the United Nations. John D. Rockefeller Jr. deemed the location too remote from Manhattan, and so the idea to buy Zeckendorf’s property on Manhattan’s East Side commenced. There was also a prior proposal to locate the UN near Niagara Falls.

The United Nations Had 5 Prior Locations in the NYC Area

Before the current United Nations complex was built, it had headquarters in locations all over New York City and even Long Island. These included the Hudson Hotel, Rockefeller Center., Hunter College’s Bronx Campus (now Lehman College), the New York City Building from the 1939 World’s Fair (now the Queens Museum), and the Sperry Gyroscope Corporation headquarters on Long Island. Read more about each of these former locations here.

5. There’s a Section of the Berlin Wall in the United Nations

In 2002, Germany presented the United Nations with a gift of three slabs of the Berlin Wall. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said at the time that it symbolized “the tendency of people to put up artificial barriers – instead of finding ways to understand each other.”  This historic piece sits in the garden of the United Nations. Written across the top of the image are the words “Trophy of Civil Rights.” They were part of a wall section located at Potsdamer Platz.

4. The Recent Renovation Removed Enough Asbestos to Fill Three Football Fields

United Nations General Assembly

The $2.1 billion renovation from 2008 to 2014 was a massive undertaking that returned the architecture aesthetics to its original beauty, but made the complex more energy efficient. In fact, it consumes about half the amount of energy it did prior to renovation. As part of the renovation, enough asbestos was removed from the complex to fill three football fields fifteen feet high. A “gooey substance” of cigarette and cigar smoke residue was removed from the General Assembly hall.

Read more about the extensive renovation of the United Nations here.

3. The Pattern for the Original Security Council Wallpaper Is Now in the Cooper Hewitt Museum

The first secretary general of the United Nations was Norwegian, and may have been influential in the selection of Norwegian architect Arnstein Arneberg to design the interior decor of the United Nations Security Council. The wallpaper, a blue paper with gold motifs of anchors, hearts and wheat, was based on a blue wool damask tapestry. This wallpaper was in place from the opening of the UN in 1952 to the security council renovation in 2013, though in the 1990s a reproduction of the original was installed.

On October 8th, 2015 HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway donated an original piece of the tapestry to the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum’s permanent collection in New York. In a ceremony, Mette-Marit stated, “When we think back on the early aspirations of the UN and how the headquarters in New York has influenced the world – these first inscriptions of peace into the very fabric of the walls of the Security Council Chamber are very moving.”

2. The UN Delegates Lounge Retains Much of Its Original Mad Men Feel

United Nations-Interior Photography-Mad Men-Renovation-NYC-6

During the recent renovation, every vintage chair was reupholstered and returned and the carpets replaced in their original colors. As such, places like the Delegates Lounge, above, retains its original feel but with a playful update by OMA. The floor-to-ceiling windows recall JFK Airport’s modernist terminals. See more of these “Mad Men”-like spaces in the United Nations here.

1. The United Nations Art Collection Rivals Those of Museums

The United Nations complex is not an official museum, but its art collection makes it worth that designation. Each country is allowed one gift to the United Nations, and the collection includes stained glass by Marc Chagall, murals by Fernand Léger, the Sphere within a Sphere by Arnaldo Pomodoro, and much more. The works of art are located both inside and outside, and your escort on a lunch at the Delegates Dining Room serves as a quasi-guide sometimes.

Bonus: The Rarely Photographed Trustee Council Chamber Has a Mondrian Feel

While the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly are likely the most oft-photographed locations at the UN, the Trustee Council is rarely accessible to the public. Inside, its decor has a fun Mondrian-like vibe with echoing color motifs on the carpet and ceiling.

Next, read about the Top 10 Secrets of Rockefeller Center. Get in touch with the author @untappedmich.


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