
Untapped Contributor: Vanessa Chan

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Vanessa Chan Untapped Cities

Every week, we highlight one of our 250+ Untapped Cities contributors worldwide. This week, we’re featuring Vanessa Chan, an Untapped city correspondent based in San Francisco.
What’s your “day job”?
I am corporate public relations person. In theory, I fix and spin corporate scandals. In practice, I write a lot of memos.
What’s your favorite Untapped spot in your city?
The “other” and arguably better Chinatown in San Francisco in the Sunset and Richmond neighborhoods have the best food in town. It’s a little cold and foggy but the food makes the trek out to what SF locals call “Siberia” very worth it.
Favorite piece you’ve written for Untapped?
The one about Jacki, a woman who produces fart videos for a living. It was immensely popular and caused a big ruckus because it’s apparently a very rare career choice…
What’s your favorite Untapped place you’ve visited while traveling? Where do you want to visit next?
When I fly back home to Kuala Lumpur, I eat amazing street food at nameless shacks. Questionable hygiene, but the best food. Nothing a few Imodium can’t fix.
What’s your favorite obscure fact about your city?
The SF MoMA has three well-hidden Waldos (yes, the red stripey Waldo of Where’s Waldo) structures planted in and around the museum. I’ve found 2 of the 3 and it’s my life’s mission to find that third one!
Craziest thing you’ve ever done?
I’m not the kind to jump out of moving planes, but one of the more interesting things I did recently was try balut, a half developed duck embryo that’s boiled in the egg shell. It’s very creepy looking because you can see the half formed chick in the egg, but I LOVED it. It was slimy and sour and everything nice.
Best Celebrity Sighting?
A few months ago I closed the door on Brad Pitt’s face while at Paramount Studios in LA. He had a lot of facial hair and is surprisingly short. He was also displeased with me for nearly breaking his nose.
What are some of your favorite websites?
GirlWithCurves which is the best fashion blog for curvy girls (I covered blogger Tanesha Awasthi here); and Gawker and Jezebel which crack me up and this is cheesy, but the Modern Love column in Sunday’s New York Times.
Join our community of Untapped Cities contributors around the world by contacting us here. Get in touch with Vanessa @mmmagpie.


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