Rumor of Brooklyn Bridge Collapse Sparked Fatal Stampede During Opening Week
Just six days after opening, tragedy struck at the now iconic landmark.
Manhattan visits Chicago
It’s Fourth of July weekend and Manhattanites are fleeing the city in search peace and quiet, clean air, and fireworks with reasonably accessible bathroom options. But what if the city itself took a long weekend for travel? Where would Manhattan go on vacation? Bill Rankin, the cartographer behind, gives us some ideas… which also happen to serve as surprising and compelling scale comparisons.
Rankin’s own description of his maps comments on the strange effects of these comparisons:
Inspired a bit by Rem Koolhaas’s Floating Pool project, I wondered what would happen if Manhattan itself decided to take a tour of the oceans, stopping at other cities to refuel and have a good time. Overwhelmed by Los Angeles’ vastness, Manhattan decides to stay offshore, while it snuggles in close and completely overwhelms Boston (and inadvertently obliterates Logan airport).
Manhattan visits San Francisco
Manhattan visits Boston
Manhattan visits Los Angeles
Manhattan visits Door County, Wisconsin
Manhattan visits Philadelphia
For more of Bill Rankin’s maps visit
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