
Look Down: 10 Fun NYC Sidewalk Stamps and Pavement Art in NYC

Look Down: 10 Fun NYC Sidewalk Stamps and Pavement Art in NYC
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Never let it be said that people in New York don’t express themselves in interesting ways. One of the more creative forms is graffiti and street art. Most people are familiar with art expression on the walls of buildings, train cars, and the like, but in large cities like New York, Miami, and London, for example, street or sidewalk art is becoming a common form of expression. The last few years have seen the proliferation of  “Art Stamps,” or stenciling. This form of art is usually composed of short thought provoking or positive messages. It can be found on many New York City streets and while it normally is not a good idea to walk with your head down, here is our list of ten to get you started

1. THANK GOD I’M AN ATHEIST (Howard Street and Broadway)


This stamp has been attributed to the street artist with the name “Uncutt Art.”

He has been quoted as saying  his name stands for purity or as he put it “that thing where art comes from. I create art from the heart to touch people’s souls, it’s the best thing ever.”

Uncutt Art is a big Steve Jobs fan as well but what creative person isn’t? While this play on words is found in several places someone decided to offer a second opinion here in crayon. He has both a Tumblr and Instagram account for his work.

2. PROTECT YO HEART, PYH 423 (Find the location)


This piece is also attributed to the artist Uncutt Art. He made a big splash with this stamp. The 423 actually comes from Proverb 4:23 (“Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do comes from it”). There is a great interview with the artist here. There are many versions of this stamp around and a variation, “Protect Yo Earth.”


Stanton and Orchard Streets


Stand Here to Activate Your Superpowers-Street Stamp-Graffiti-West 4th Street-Bank-Greenwich Village-NYC-4

This whimsical piece was found on West 4th and Bank Street. According to photographer Joel Gordon, Stand Here to Activate Your Superpowers are stencil pieces by artist Bel Linquist. The project is tagged on Instagram as #superpowersactivated. We did find however, that someone is trying to trademark the phrase Stand Here to Activate Your Superpowers. The application was submitted in May and has not been approved yet.

4. The Dylan Series (West 52nd Street)

dylan1 new3

There are many murals and street art with a Bob Dylan theme around the country. These street stamps constitute two lyrics from his 1976 song “If You See Her, Say Hello,” and 1978 release “Where Are You Tonight (Journey Through Dark Heat).” Unknown artist.


5. STOP, APPRECIATE, SMILE #Oraculo Project (Broadway near Spring Street)


This stamp of wisdom is popping up on streets around the world including London and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil last year. Attributed to a Brazilian street artist who goes by no name. He told us he came to America in April 2016 and stayed for 11 days. He launched his art project in 2010 and has several forms and messages. This one surrounded by a square means gratitude. He has a star, circle, and cross each with their own messages in them. He also blindfolded 110 statues in Brazil on March 3rd this year


Oraculo is Spanish for oracle or fount of wisdom. Check him out on Instagram and on Facebook.

6. ILEGAL MEZCAL (East Houston Street & Broadway)


This is a gorilla advertisement and far from illegal. Ilegal Mezcal, a small batch indie mescal producer was founded by John Rexer and based in Guatemala. Not only did he produce this stencil, but also he plastered Anti-Trump ads in New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami last year after Trump announced his presidency. He also produced a poster with two roosters kissing when Chick-fil-A’s went public about hating gay marriage. Someone explain to us the humping bunnies though?

7. BE (West 45th Street)

Street Art-Sidewalk Stamp-Pavement Art-BE-45th Street-NYC

To be or not to be, we suppose is the question. You can be anything. We like the simplicity of the message from this unknown artist. “BE” can be found on 45th Street.

8. BE PROUD (Christopher Street)


BE PROUD is likely from the same artist as the one prior, with this Christopher Street incarnation likely geared towards the LGBTQ community.



This piece by an unknown artist can be found in Soho and many other locations in New York City.

10. LOVE IS #LOVEISIX (East Houston Street & Broadway)


Love is so many things! This Unknown artist has work that has been turning up in Miami as well, full of color. See more of LOVE IS…#LOVEISIX on Instagram.

Bonus: F*ck Your Phone Keep Your Head Up

Fuck Your Phone Keep Your Head Up

Untapped Cities reader Lina Grady-Troia sent us this humorous one she found on 5th Avenue around 18th Street. We agree with the message!

Have more? Send us your finds at or tag us @untappedcities on Instagram.

Next, check out the latest Bowery Mural by Logan Hicks and relive the statue of naked Donald Trump in Union Square.


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