5. Midnight Moment in Times Square

Magic Move 4 video still. Courtesy of the artist and Times Square Arts.

Times Square Arts presents the latest edition of its monthly art installation, Midnight Moment. This new iteration features a collection of digital paintings entitled Magic Move 4. Created by artist and software designer Katherine Frazer, Magic Move 4 depicts digitally manipulated presentation slides, sequenced via a default setting in Keynote known as “Magic Move.” Pulling images from the artist’s archive, the installation subverts the presentation software and productivity applications designed by Frazer to create layers that extend, cascade, rotate, and dance around the frame in a never-ending loop.

Much of Frazer’s work is inspired by Ikebana—a process-oriented style of Japanese floral arrangements—which can be seen in the 3D scans of floral bouquets used throughout the three-minute video. Through her new digital arrangements, Frazer presents audiences with snippets of the physical world, merging the boundaries between digital and material mediums. Accompanying Magic Move 4 is a musical score embodying the ambiance of a slow peaceful afternoon, curated by Estle, an electronic music project created by Keegan Gomm, a Toronto-based artist.

Next, check out How A Dancer And Singer Helped Save Radio City From Demolition!