On December 8, over 31 years ago, John Lennon was shot and killed. I wasn’t alive then, but every year I morn the loss of a music legend. To say I like the Beatles would be like saying Mariano Rivera is just ok at baseball, or that the NYC subway platforms get just a little warm during the summer. I LOVE the Beatles, they were a part of childhood and their lyrics keep me in one piece on a daily basis. Â I have Beatles movies, books, documentaries, and I would even get Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr’s autographs tattooed on my arm if I ever would to meet them.
I have spent many hours pouring over  Stephen Spignesi and Michael Lewis’s book, “Here, There, and Everywhere: The 100 Best Beatles Songs”  while listening to the song that corresponds to the section I’m reading. With a subjective ranking order from Number 1 to Number 100, each song’s has a few pages with expert commentary, historical context, interview material, and lots of great sidebars and tidbits of information. Appendices include a complete song list, discography, videography, and bibliography, making it a one-stop source of Beatles facts and figures.
George Harrison died a day after my birthday in 2001, and John Lennon only 10 days. So in honor of their memory, I want to share the Beatles album covers I drew, in a cartoon style, for my mom (a huge Beatles fan as well) for Christmas a few years ago. Below are a few of my favorites, you can see them all on my Downtown Doodler facebook page.
With the Beatles
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Rubber Soul
Beatles for Sale
Let it Be
The Beatles Second Album