6. Green-Wood Cemetery
Green-Wood Cemetery, founded in 1832 and located on 25th Street in Brooklyn, is the grave site to a slew of prominent figures from New York City. Many people involved in the LGBT Rights Movement and other historical figures who identified as gay or remained closeted during their lives have been laid to rest in the cemetery.
In 2016, Green-Wood Cemetary partnered with the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project to honor the LGBT figures laid to rest in the cemetery by placing rainbow flags on their graves. As an ode to the practice of placing American flags on soldiers’ graves for Memorial Day, rainbow flags adorn the graves of LGBT figures to honor them during Pride Month. Richard Moyland stated, “This year, the presence of rainbow flags will be a visible and constant reminder to all that our world is richer because of them.” The cemetery also has an annual gay trolly tour of Greenwich Villiage, which occurred from June 8th to the 13th. Known LGBTQ graves include Leonard Bernstein and Richard Isay among others.