4. Shorakkapoch Rock, Inwood Hill Park

Inwood Hill Park, the northernmost point on Manhattan island, was a significant Lenape area that still has some artifacts from the 17th century. Over four centuries ago, the Lenape used the park’s caves as seasonal living quarters, and they would fish and harvest shellfish from nearby waterways. Old campfires, pottery, tools, and weapons were discovered in the park, likely from when the Lenape fled Mohawk attackers.

According to legend, in 1626, Peter Minuit, the Director-General of New Netherland, “purchased” Manhattan from the Lenape in exchange for a shipment of goods. The sale may have occurred under a tulip tree at the park, which grew for 280 years before its death in 1938. Today, the iconic site is marked by a plaque on the Shorakkapoch Rock, a large boulder on the far side of a large open field.